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TileMatrixSet,即Tile Matrix Set,源自 OGC Two Dimensional Tile Matrix Set(目前已更新到v2)。该标准定义了瓦片矩阵集的规则和要求,作为一种基于一组规则网格对空间进行索引的方式,这些规则网格为坐标参考系统中有限比例列表定义了一个域(瓦片矩阵)。

💡 The OGC Two Dimensional Tile Matrix Set and Tile Set Metadata Standard defines the rules and requirements for a tile matrix set as a way to index space based on a set of regular grids defining a domain (tile matrix) for a limited list of scales in a Coordinate Reference System.


💡 In a tile matrix set, each tile matrix is divided into regular tiles. In a tile matrix set, a tile can be univocally identified by a tile column, a tile row, and a tile matrix identifier.

再来看看Tiles API中的描述:该标准定义了用于指定瓦片矩阵集和描述瓦片集的逻辑模型和编码。一个瓦片矩阵集代表一种切片方案,它使得应用程序能够基于坐标参考系统 (CRS) 中为多个尺度(比例分级)定义的一组规则网格来分区和索引空间。

💡 That Standard defines logical models and encodings for specifying tile matrix sets and describing tile sets. A tile matrix set is a tiling scheme that enables an application to partition and index space based on a set of regular grids defined for multiple scales in a Coordinate Reference System (CRS).


  • 它是用于对空间进行分区和索引的一种方式方法
  • 基于某个坐标参考系统,并基于该坐标参考系统持有的一组有限比例列表(尺度分级)
  • 表现为一组规则格网,且该组格网与有限尺度分级列表一一对应




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