xml<dependency> <groupId>org.geo-atlas.component</groupId> <artifactId>tile-cache</artifactId> <version>${revision}</version> </dependency>
实现源端(Data Source)于GAC的链接 & 实现
拓展java@Component public class DefaultTileGenerator extends AbstractTileSource implements GeoAtlasTileGenerator { private final FeatureSourceHelper featureSourceHelper; private String lockProvider; private transient LockProvider lockProviderInstance; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultTileGenerator.class); public DefaultTileGenerator(FeatureSourceHelper featureSourceHelper) { this.featureSourceHelper = featureSourceHelper; } public ConveyorTile generator(ConveyorTile tile) throws IOException, GeoAtlasCacheException, OutsideCoverageException { // FIXME: 2024/5/10 可以再次检查 MimeType, 在应用层面控制MimeType的支持 // checkMimeType(tile); TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet = TileMatrixSetContext.getTileMatrixSet(tile.getGridSetId()); if (tileMatrixSet == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TileMatrixSet not found by identifier: " + tile.getGridSetId()); } // FIXME: 2024/5/10 需要在metadata中给featureLayer指定coverage, 可以选择从数据源读取或者是自行设定(更推荐自行设定, 性能友好且更通用) final TileMatrixSubset gridSubset = tile.getGridSubset(); if (gridSubset == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested gridset not found: " + tile.getRequest().getSchema()); } final long[] gridLoc = tile.getTileIndex(); checkNotNull(gridLoc); // Final preflight check, throws OutsideCoverageException if necessary gridSubset.checkCoverage(gridLoc); // FIXME: 2024/5/10 暂时不对meta tiles做支持 int metaX; int metaY; if (tile.getMimeType().supportsTiling()) { metaX = getMetaTilingFactors()[0]; metaY = getMetaTilingFactors()[1]; } else { metaX = metaY = 1; } ConveyorTile tileResponse; if (tile.getStorageBroker() == null) { tileResponse = getNonCachedTile(tile); }else { tileResponse = getTileResponse(tile, true, true, metaX, metaY); } // sendTileRequestedEvent(returnTile); return tileResponse; } public ConveyorTile getNonCachedTile(ConveyorTile tile) throws GeoAtlasCacheException { try { return getTileResponse(tile, false, false, 1, 1); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GeoAtlasCacheException(e); } } @Override public void seedTile(ConveyorTile tile, boolean tryCache) throws GeoAtlasCacheException, IOException { // Ignore a seed call on a tile that's outside the cached grid levels range // 忽略缓存网格级别范围之外的图块上的种子调用 final TileMatrixSubset subset = tile.getGridSubset(); final int zLevel = (int) tile.getTileIndex()[2]; if (!subset.shouldCacheAtZoom(zLevel)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Ignoring seed call on tile " + tile + " as it's outside the cacheable zoom level range"); } return; } int metaX = getMetaTilingFactors()[0]; int metaY = getMetaTilingFactors()[1]; if (!tile.getMimeType().supportsTiling()) { metaX = metaY = 1; } getTileResponse(tile, tryCache, true, metaX, metaY); } protected ConveyorTile getTileResponse( ConveyorTile tile, final boolean tryCache, final boolean persistent, final int metaX, final int metaY) throws GeoAtlasCacheException, IOException { if (tryCache && tryCacheFetch(tile)) { return finalizeTile(tile); } TileObject target = null; TileRequest request = tile.getRequest(); LockProvider.Lock lock = null; try { /* ****************** Acquire lock ******************* */ lock = getLockProvider().getLock(buildLockKey(tile)); // got the lock on the tile, try again if (tryCache && tryCacheFetch(tile)) { log.debug("--> {} returns cache hit for {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), Arrays.toString(tile.getTileIndex())); } else { log.debug("--> {} submitting getTile request for tile matrix location on {}", Thread.currentThread().getName(), Arrays.toString(tile.getTileIndex())); long requestTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { FeatureSourceConveyor wrapper = featureSourceHelper.getFeatureSource(request.getNamespace(), request.getLayer()); Pyramid pyramid = findPyramid(request, wrapper.getRules()); target = pyramid.getTile(request, wrapper.getFeatureSource(), wrapper.getCrs()); // 此处便完成了瓦片数据对象到瓦片缓存的转换 transferTile(target, tile, requestTime, persistent); }catch (Exception e) { Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(e, GeoAtlasCacheException.class); throw new GeoAtlasCacheException("Problem communicating with GeoAtlas TileAPI", e); } } } finally { if (lock != null) { lock.release(); } } return finalizeTile(tile); } ... }
java@Component @ConditionalOnBean(TileBreeder.class) public class SimpleTileSeedService extends AbstractTileSeedService { private final FeatureTileMatrixSubsetContext subsetContext; private final FeatureSourceHelper featureSourceHelper; public SimpleTileSeedService(TileBreeder breeder, FeatureTileMatrixSubsetContext subsetContext, FeatureSourceHelper featureSourceHelper) { super(breeder); this.subsetContext = subsetContext; this.featureSourceHelper = featureSourceHelper; } @Override protected TileMatrixSubset getSubset(SeedRequest request, TileMatrixSet matrixSet) throws GeoAtlasCacheException { NamespaceInfo namespaceInfo = featureSourceHelper.getNamespaceInfo(request.getNamespace()); if (namespaceInfo == null) { throw new GeoAtlasCacheException("namespace not found"); } FeatureLayerInfo featureLayerInfo = featureSourceHelper.getFeatureLayerInfo(request.getNamespace(), request.getLayerName(), namespaceInfo); if (featureLayerInfo == null){ throw new GeoAtlasCacheException("layer not found"); } return subsetContext.getTileMatrixSubset(featureLayerInfo, matrixSet); } }
yamlgeo-atlas: cache: enabled: true inner-caching-enabled: true persistence-enabled: true # 默认是file-system inner: storage: eviction-policy: EXPIRE_AFTER_ACCESS memory-limit: 256 persistence: storage: base-directory: ${PERSISTENCE_CACHE_DIR:/tmp/gac}
更多关于Geo Atlas Cache的描述可参见:Geo Atlas Cache,一个精简的GWC组件